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    영문 The SmartThings mobile app for Dishwashers not only allows remote control of the dishwasher, its many features make it easy for anyone to use it better. Beyond remote access and monitoring of the product at anytime and from wherever you are, it also recommends the optimal cleaning cycle for specific dishware and according to how dirty it is, preventing damage caused by settings unsuitable for the loaded dishes. Dishware needs to be loaded into a dishwasher in a way that is conducive to thorough cleaning, so loading instructions for multiple types of dishware are provided with detailed illustrations, making use of the dishwasher even easier. The app reminds users of which items are breakable and pointers on avoiding damage. A detailed description of each cycle, along with tips for handling each type of dishware, is also available. Finally, the app monitors the amount of dishwasher detergent remaining and notifies users when more needs to be purchased. It also issues diagnostic reports for the dishwasher as well.