영문 |
It is a cup and muddler set with a recreated Ottchil(Korean traditional natural lacquer) joining on glass surfaces(glass tableware).
With a new Ottchil texture technique designed by JEONGEUN KANG, She revised and recreated Ottchil with a modern taste and applied it to glass table ware to see the potential of Ottchil.
This product clearly shows that our traditional Ottchil technique boosts the capacity of being applied to more broad areas, not to mention to existing woodenware, brassware, and pottery.
With a new Ottchil texture technique designed by JEONGEUN KANG, She revised and recreated Ottchil with a modern taste and applied it to glass table ware to see the potential of Ottchil.
This collection represents how much expressive and infinite Ottchil techniques can be. And it is modern and coordinates very well in both Western and Eastern culture. |