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    영문 Irritation free! / Stay clean / Stay healthy! Enhance your basic skincare routine! Skin-boosting Cleanser is like a skin resting place that helps your skin to rest and heal. Forest Heal Green Balance Cleanser is a unique breathing dough type of cleanser with weak acidity of pH 5.5 that helps your skin look bright and clear. Five different types of brightening patent and moisturizing/walled reinforcement components helps to cleanse skin impurities and gives your brighter look. High quality ingredients that are imported from Germany promotes the absorption rate of basic skincare products along with improving your skin texture. We tried to give a nice feeling of rest and heal on the package design, but also giving refreshing and loveliness at the same time. 2-way hybrid product which you can use as a daily foam cleanser or as a skin therapy, gently washing off after 2~3 minutes of application. It is a product that heals your skin, giving you forest bathing experience.